Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week #8: Return to critical thinking

(Week 8: Oct 12-18/2009)

(No discussion this week.)

Overview, goals, activities. In this final week we return to the issue of critical thinking. The goal of this activity is to apply critical thinking to your critical thinking. That is, to rethink and perhaps rewrite what is in your blog. Your have three tasks this week:

That is, to create a final capstone essay of 1-2 pages, which you post on your blog, in which you set forth what you have learned about critical thinking. Be sure to address the following three issues in some way:
  • how it has changed the way you use media,
  • how it has changed your own professional practice, and
  • how critical thinking will inform your ongoing research and scholarly development during this Media Psychology doctoral program.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.